If you think there isn’t much to Nevada but 110 degree summertime weather, casinos and wide open desert, then you haven’t seen much. The Silver State is filled with an abundance of opportunities for adventure, never-ending wonder and inspiration.
But, if you don’t know that yet, I cannot blame you. It’s easy to get sucked into a tunnel-vision, a perspective of only seeing your immediate surroundings, and never contemplating the possibility that there could be something more.
I often hear Las Vegas residents sulk about how miserable they are here. To be honest, I used to be one of those people.
Then, one day, about five years ago, I decided to stop complaining about how boring my environment was, and start actually exploring it. I knew that there was more to see and that I hadn’t quite given Las Vegas, Southern Nevada and Nevada a chance.
So, my boyfriend and I started taking “Sunday daytrips,” where we would drive out to an interesting location we’d never been. This soon led me to hang up on the wall a Nevada DMV Map, and mark with a push pin each State Park or other spot we’d visit. With each new site we experienced and every pin marked on the map, the joy and gratitude of living here expanded. History, culture, adventure, and beauty – oh, the beauty! – there was so much to love. Before I knew it, I was a proud Nevadan who couldn’t imagine living anywhere else, and wanted to share the magic of this state with anyone who’d listen.
It’s amazing how many adventures await when you start to really get to know your surroundings, and the places that are out there just a little further away. If you’re bored or depressed or ready to get the hell out of dodge, I beg you to please reconsider – with a willing spirit, and an open mind and heart.
It was through my exploration of Nevada that I truly discovered my passion for photography. I never would have imagined, five years ago, that my quest to get to know my home, the place I’ve lived all my life, would lead to a new way of seeing, a new dream and a completely different career path.
I gave Nevada a chance and she showed me who she was, and where and who I’m really meant to be. In many ways, Nevada saved me. And for that, I will be forever grateful.
__Photo taken by Gina Mizzoni at Great Basin National Park. Exposure: F/16, 1/200 sec, ISO 500__
Gina Mizzoni Photography offers custom lifestyle photography services for men, women, businesses and families. Let Las Vegas photographer Gina capture your inner light, your most precious moments, your life. Contact us to book your appointment today. For more information about our many photography offerings, check out About, FAQs and Investment. (Psst! Gina is also a writer, so if you need rockin’ copy, she’s your chick.)