Warning: Ramblings

Warning: Ramblings

If you’re reading this right now, I’d like to thank you for stopping by…

This blog isn’t anywhere near where I’d like it to be. I’m not just talking about reach (that will come in time… I just launched my website on January 1, after all). What I’m talking about is voice. I can’t seem to tap into that whimsical voice inside of me. To me, this all reads like it’s so generic and forced.

No, I’m not going to stop blogging. Quite the contrary. I’m going to blog as often as I possibly can. It’s good for the soul… and SEO. And, I know that everything will come in time…

But, I’m just feeling a bit tortured… like everything I write is crap. I suppose that’s just the artist in me…

The funny thing is, though, that this should come so naturally to me. I mean I write for a living. I spend the hours of 9-to-5, Monday through Friday writing content for a really awesome company that empowers women. And, I’m almost always proud of what I write… because that’s just how I roll. It’s my integrity. I’d never turn in something that I’m NOT proud of.

On HERE, however, I’m pulled in so many different directions. And, I haven’t established a real focus for my blog (or business). I know that’s the case for almost anyone who’s just launching a blog OR a business, or a blog AND a business. You won’t know until you’ve done it for a while. But, for me, it feels weird. Because I’m a planner… a perfectionist… a don’t-screw-up’er. And, I’m impatient when it comes to waiting for results. MAN, I’m not kidding. 

But, I have to let that go. In the words of Picasso, “If we are not prepared to be wrong, nothing original can be created. We don’t grow into creativity, we are trained out of it.”

Anyway. Again, thank you to those who read my blog, and those who’ve let me know that they’ve seen my website. Knowing that people are taking time out of their busy lives to read my blog and look at my photography work makes me feel good (and GRATEFUL).